Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year, New Goals for 2015

Happy New Year!! I had a fabulous time celebrating the holidays this year. The kiddos are at such a fabulous age - everything is magic and sparkles and joy. Please tell me this part lasts forever!

2014 was an amazing year for Lucy Kat Soaps, and I have you to thank for that! Of course, I would still find joy in making soap without customers, but the best part is knowing that other people are enjoying my creations!

Early in 2014, there emerged a real excitement among fellow bath junkies for my bath melts. These little drops of heaven are made with white kaolin clay and skin-loving butters that continue loving on your skin well after the bath is over; customers began requesting varying quantities and fragrances. I currently make Lavender and Salted Caramel-scented melts, but I could be persuaded to play with some new blends soon...

In addition to the Melt-a-Palooza, I had an amazing year of growth, learning, and creative discovery making handcrafted soap. I began the year having only a few batches of soap under my belt. By the end of the year, my "soapertoire" looked something like this:

I had so much fun planning and making these soaps. I experimented with different additives like oatmeal, ground coffee beans, spearmint tea, various types of clay, and honey. I also had fun with colors, especially natural colorants like the alkanet root infusion that I used to color my lavender soaps and a kelp infusion that lent a very light and almost translucent hue to my Woodland Spice soap. 

And my favorite part - the smells! I had so much fun experimenting with essential oils and various fragrance oils. I am very interested in essential oils and briefly considered using them exclusively in my products until I remembered that they haven't yet figured out how to distill the cocoa bean in any meaningful way, so until then I choose to keep my options open. I will continue to expand my knowledge of these ancient aromatics, and essential oils will remain a key ingredient in several of my products moving forward.

So what is in store for Lucy Kat Soaps in 2015? First of all, I will continue with the bath melts and am adding a shower-friendly version of the bath melt - if you aren't excited about that  yet, you will be! I am also narrowing down my bar soap inventory to a few select fragrances that people were extra-excited about this year - be watching for a separate post for the big reveal! I will also be developing a line of fun novelty soaps as well as some fun soapy gifts for the kiddos - more on this later!!

There will be some small pricing changes, effective January 1. The price for a four-pack of bath melts will now be $8 (down from $10), and my handmade soap will be $6/bar (up from $5). Sales tax will apply to all purchases. 

Finally, my website: I hope that it will be ready to launch by the end of January. Once my website is up and running, ordering from Lucy Kat will become much easier! 

Again, thank you SO much for following me and supporting my soaping endeavors. It goes without saying that I couldn't do this without you, but I just have to say it anyway because I APPRECIATE YOU!! Cheers to feeling good and smelling even better in 2015!

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