Monday, December 9, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday Ayden!!

Whew!  It's been a crazy couple of weeks, but I made it through to the other side and I still have a smile on my face (and a few pictures to share)!

First, have I mentioned yet how incredibly blessed I am to have such a supportive family?  Because I am...I really am.  I'm a stay-at-home-mom who recently decided to learn how to make soap, and with no questions asked, both of my children's grandmothers agreed to help with the kids while I was off learning this new craft.  Then my neck went out and the grandmothers/heroines stepped up their game BIG TIME, taking shifts and coordinating schedules so that I wouldn't re-injure myself caring for and picking up the littles.

I tried to take it easy...I really did.  But it's taking so long for my neck to heal and I was anxious to do something productive and I just so happened to have a bunch of soap-making ingredients nearby and a lovely husband who was willing to do the heavy lifting for me.  (That bordered on a run-on sentence but you get a picture of the frantic voices in my head).  Anyway I had a great of my best friend's son was turning 4 (adorable Ayden) and I was doing the party favors!  Take a moment to soak in the adorableness that is this little boy...

I know...those eyes, that smile.  He's too cute for words!  The kids had so much fun at the party.  There was a petting zoo...

...and a bouncy house...

...and did I mention that Ayden's 10-year-old cousin made his birthday cake??  

Now the party favors...each child received a bag with one bar of soap with little farm animals embedded inside, and three miniature bath bombs with water-soluble images melted on the front wrapped up in a pretty little package.

Ninety miniature bath bombs with water-soluble images melted on.  And I really did have fun doing it!  
 Here's a close up of the soap...the kids love them!!

Happy birthday, Ayden!!